Jim Geovedi


Raditya Iryandi

ini present hacker mereka yg bikin deg2an bacanya, klik disini gan

ini video mereka gan sedang present di forum hacker sedunia:

enjoy gan...dan pasti post ane NOREPOST..Virgin dan sangat inspiratip kalau kita harus tetap selalu SEMANGAT...

ini dia gan..

Raditya Iryandi
Perfect blending between arts and technologies.

Born with the name of Raditya Iryandi, He has been a technology junkie since he was a teenager. His major business are about Digital Arts and Technologies. He playing around with Information Security Auditor and handling several big Telcos and Banks in Indonesia. He was the speaker of the International Information Security Conference such as: Bellua Cyber Security Jakarta, Hack In The Box Malaysia and Power of Community South Korea with his Satelite and Mobile Phone Hacking topics.

In other side, he builds his own trilogy kingdoms: Creative House, Production House and Software House, but before it, he also stumbled his fingers into his Ibanez guitar and that was where his state of music directly built.

He found himself as J. NO while scratching his Macbook Pro for almost 14 hours a day. In the day he is a technology freak, but in the night he's a king of thirsty dance crowd when he mixes Heavy Metal and Dirty House in the same set. His love for music started a long way back at a early age were his inspiration sound was from Dream Theater, which made J. NO think forward than just a interest by working hard day or night perfecting his sound and skills behind the mixing desk to become were his today as a finest class DJ. Heavily inspired by progressive rock musician like Kevin Moore and John Pettruci, his writing took on a more literate and evocative quality. Around the same time, he began to expand his musical boundaries, adding more chord progression and dynamic tone influences to his remix.


Published on Aug 30, 2012
Pada bulan September mendatang, Catz Records akan merilis album pertama dari girlband BEXXA. Album yang berjudul self tittle "BEXXA" ini berisikan 6 lagu yang diciptakan oleh para pencipta lagu yang hebat seperti Raditya Iryandi, Merry LC, Bemby Noor dan Erick. Lagu-lagu yang ada di album pertama BEXXA ini juga memiliki karakter yang cukup beragam, mulai dari yang medium beat seperti first single "Lihat Aku" hingga lagu galau seperti "HTS". Ini semua dipersembahkan untuk Bexxanesia (sebutan fans BEXXA) yang sudah setia mendukung Seperti apa single mereka Check this out.Come on Girl... Hey Bexxa Bring it !!!

Jim Geovedi
Jim Geovedi (born 28 June 1979), is a renowned IT security expert from Indonesia, who focuses on the discovery of computer and network security vulnerabilities with a special focus on telecommunication and satellite systems. BBC News described him as a guy who "doesn't look like a Bond villain... but possesses secrets that some of them might kill for".[1]

Geovedi co-founded and ran IT security consulting companies, Bellua Asia Pacific in 2004, later transformed into Xynexis International in 2010, and founded a managed security services company, Noosc Global in the same year. In 2001, he co-founded C2PRO Consulting, providing general IT consulting mostly for government agencies.

He is currently based in London and has been interviewed on issues including: satellite security system,[1][2][3] banking security[4] and including law enforcement.[5][6]

He holds no university degree. From 1998-1999, after graduating high school, he found himself living on the street without steady work. Media often use him as an example for people can become famous in IT industry by relying on their brains, even without holding college degrees.[7][8]


ini dia kumpulan hacker indonesia yg modern dan fungky super gaul

saat mereka ngeDJ ber2 kerennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...

kalau ane liat inti ceritanya mereka, siapapun kita jgn mudah menyerah dan masuk kembangkan networking dan terus belajar coba pikir dari mikirin satelit, jadi DJ yg alat sebanyak itu, bikin lagu, semua pekerjaannya halal, tak melanggar hukum dan membantu org banyak buat apa bersembunyi toh tak buat salah dan infonya mereka sekarang sudah berhenti jadi hacker, mending jadi artis..wah..wah......bagus dan inspiratif.

bangga jadi org indonESIA !!